during my short weeks there, sarah and i shared a lot of laughs, campers that tested our patience, and ultimately growth in our friendship. i was so sad to leave halfway through the summer. i felt as if leaving all the great people i had made at camp left me with unfinished relationships, seeing as i am horrible at keeping in touch with long distance friends.
i finished my last two years in auburn, doing a mostly bad job at keeping up with a few friends from camp. i didn't know where graduation and a new job would take me, but as the summer months creeped by, athens, ga looked like more and more of a possibility of where i would end up.
with no real prospects of where i would live and if i would even end up getting the job, i visited jonathan for his birthday in september. i met up with sarah at the wesley that night and during our brief catch-up i told her about my interview while she told me that she was living by herself and hating it, totally open to a new living situation.
after a couple (stressful) weeks of trusting the Lord to handle the details, we signed a lease on an adorable and affordable duplex and we are happy to finally be roomies! leaving glisson i felt as if me and sarah had true potential to be great friends, and now i know the Lord has given me an awesome living situation and a lifelong friend. what a blessing.
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