oh this night was fun. the melting point might be one of my new favorite venues- great food and great atmosphere. sarah and i got there when the doors opened at 6 to score an awesome table. later when kristen and eric joined us we forged a "no standing" sign to secure the awesome view for the rest of the concert- and it worked! no one stood at the railing in front of us the rest of the night, and we giggled everytime we overheard latecomers say "let's go upstairs, there's no standing here...."

joy and john-paul (yes, we're on a first name basis) were fun, enchanting, interactive, and inspiring. the best song of the night might have been "falling" (the first one they wrote together) but all of the others came in close second. i found myself smiling, wishing i was joy williams, and just getting lost in good music.
wish these weren't so blurry: my camera was nearing the end of battery life and joy moves around a lot.

this was a fun cover
the civil wars are oh so good
Ellen! One of my residents this year love love loovvveess The Civil Wars. I feel like y'all would be good friends because she's on a first name basis with them as well! :) Sure looks like you're loving life after college! :)